Bus travel
If you want to see the worst humanity has to offer just get on a bus... my God are there some dumb people on them and well they aren't the pleasent kind of dumb their... mean!
Ok so the best example (which I may have told before, but whatever...) I once got off of a bus in order to get a connection and change onto another bus. I saw the second bus pulling into the bus stop but I couldn't reach it because I was at the traffic lights in a crowd of at least 10 people. I being in the middle of this crowd, also noticed that this is the longest "red man" ever... the bus had been pulled up and left in the time it took to change to "green."
You want to know why?
10 people in a line 1 on each side are stood right next to a button to activate the traffic light, 2 people on their left/right (depending which side their stood) to also notice...
No one had pushed the God damn light! ARGH!
So I missed my bus because the dip shits on either side of this line had just spent the last 10 minutes staring into space thinking "Gawsh... wondar wot's for dinzer today?" So yes... I (the brave, dashing protagonist of this story) had to battle my way to one of the buttons and push it. I did my best to do it right in their faces to give the message "THERE YOU DUNDERHEAD! Get it right next time yah?"
Another adventure I had was sometime last year (or maybe this year I lose track these days) when the "BBM" messanger service went down. I personally live in the past... really I do! Want to see my phone?
Ok... that's not it but it may as well be...
This is my phone from a time that this (and most lands) has forgotten... Anywho the woman behind me was hilariously pissed off at the BBM messanger service being down. She started yelling "If these people don't get it working again soon I'm going to tell them that I'll do their *$(@ head in!" (i added the *$(%@ for comic effect) Now... wouldn't the BBM team be trying to get it back up? It's not like Sony where they completely fucked up and won't admit it, they messed up, they admitted it and are currently working on it. This is their lively hood that's messed up (messed being not as bad as "fucked" up... that phrase is reserved for Sony.) It's in their best interest to get the service working again right? Also I can imagine that all your yelling won't make them work any faster if you can get in contact with the team I'm sure that you're going to be the 8th person that day who gave them a bollocking.
I hope all the ones in the world reconnected but hers didn't that would be bloody great! Though God isn't that much of a comedian.
Well that's it for today... Goodbye and stuff...
Oh crap I forgot the song!
Well today I feel like a darker tone of song.
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