"I have become convinced I am not alone here, even though I am
equally sure it is simply a delusion brought upon by circumstance. I do not,
for instance, remember where I found the candles, or why I took it upon myself
to light such a strange pathway. Perhaps it is only for those who are bound to
You know I find it more and more difficult to relate to people now, telling
me about how he said this and how she said that. How their pulsing bricks
insult them a lot and how they malfunction at the expense of a person's
I find society, people, modern ideals and music.
I'll explain, being forced to be on my own for the past 5 years allows me to
see everyone around me. It's impressive at how you can observe every detail of
a person's life on social networking, on busses, generally sat around. Ok now I
know I sound like a stalker or something so let me explain further, every
person who's on a phone call yells, everyone who types practically holds their
personal devices to your face so you're forced to read the bile they spew into
the internet. Though whilst most look away I try (but fail) to make sense of
what they write.
I find people's attitudes towards each other difficult to comprehend, the
way that everyone puts on this annoying pretence of being friends as if they
are posing for an invisible camera. Talking as if a copy and paste of a guide
to "how to be normal in 2012," I find most people to just be set
pieces. Talking heads which regurgitate whatever someone wants them to,
whatever diahrea they can conjure up as a response to more garbage creating a
tidal wave of complete and utter gibberish.
No one talks about anything anymore, it's all about shallow outlooks on
those they know, comparing themselves to people who don't care, regurgitating
things they have seen on television or in gossip magazines or in magazines or
other crap dispensers.
I find society to be broken; nothing is personal to anyone anymore. No
conversation is sharing an experience; no tweet is bearing the soul of anyone
because they have no soul, just a blank canvas waiting to be painted on. These
people are still in the womb! They have no idea what it is like to think for
yourself and achieve clarity! It's all spite and tireless derailing of
everything that others have built to make the world a better place! What is
freedom of speech? An excuse to get back at all the 'faggots,' 'niggers' and
other invalids out there (to clarify as a disclaimer, no... that's someone
else's opinion not mine hence why it's in quotations.)
Why do we live in a world where people vote, not to make their lives I'll
copy something I wrote on the unwashed board.
"These issues are banged out by politicians because they get votes,
it satisfies the public and are an excuse to avoid talking about the future of
your job or an issue that does directly affect you that you would want to hear.
At the time I agreed that well this is obviously happening people care more
about things that affect other people than things that immediately affect them.
I mean how does gay marriage affect a heterosexual man? Unless they are campaigning
to keep homosexual couples from marrying in their church which sort of makes
sense, but if you are just homophobic then it has no effect on you and
shouldn't sway your vote. The sad reality is that these tiny, insignificant
issues sway votes...
But then I thought about it some more and went back to stage one, I've
already mentioned that people will vote against their best interest to get a
representative who tackles the issues they care about. I find that it goes
deeper than that when you think about it... what is the point in voting? It's
to get your voice across, why do you need to get your voice across and choose a
party to represent your views? Because some things are going to affect you more
than others. How much tax you pay for instance, where government spending goes
and how you and your family are supported when it comes to the government.
However, if this is the case then voting have become arse backwards in my view
because people aren't voting for what immediately affects them!
If you think about what I've wrote above people will vote for homosexuals
to be banned from getting hitched in a church, but what about things that
effect them immediately? It's rare that I hear people who care who they vote
for talk about this stuff and it's rare that the news does. Anywho down to my
point, voting is meant for people to attempt to improve their own lives! Even
if this was at the expense of others (such as higher tax on the rich) it would
still be logical because you want the politicians to make your life better.
This isn't how it works anymore, people are now voting not to make their lives
better, but to make other people's lives worse. If all you care about is
banning a person from doing something that has no or little effect on you then
it kind of shows the broken society we live in. A world where people spitefully
would vote to have their home town nuked if it meant that people couldn't have
I can't help, but feel that democracy is bad thing now I try to see it in a
positive light, but to no avail. Though that is just my opinion and my opinion
has gotten me thrown out of public establishments before."
I don't care if I'm alone I like it on my own, I'm free and I can think for
myself! I don't want to be subjected to constantly wanting approval! I don't
want to know what people do in their boring uneventful lives!
You know I came to a sad realisation the other day, imagine this scenario...
You're sat on a bus with someone you know their name and maybe said "oh
are you getting off? Ok I'll stand up" or something along those lines. But
you never conversed with them, never learnt anything about them... imagine
after they get off the bus them going home and from that day on you getting an
insight into their life. Hearing every one of their thoughts (or maybe just receiving
a letter.)
Wouldn't you hate that? Well I'm living it! I have people on social
networking sites who I added as "friends" because they sat in the
same room with me 5 years ago! I've had more contact with them now than I ever
had and I bloody hate them! Every day it's "yeah get in it's *insert
whatever's "cool" here* "can't be arsed" "I hate my
You know I could strangle these people! I don't want to know them, but this
digital age makes it so! I'm tired of it really, I can't take it and it’s
driving me mad!
Just take me home!